Aqua Blox Pallets
Aqua Blox Pallet Information and Specifications
One Aqua Blox is (200 ml | 6.75 oz) includes drinking straw
Each Case Holds 32 (Wrapped as 4 packages of 8)
Gallons Per Case: 1.7 gallons
Case Dimensions: 14.5” L x 8” W x 4.75” H
Case Weight: 16.5 lbs.
1 Pallet Contains 119 Cases/3,808 Units/476 4-Packs of 8
Gallons Per Pallet: 202 gallons
Liters Per Pallet: 765
Pallet Dimensions: 40” L x 48” W x 38” H
Pallet Weight: 1,950 lbs.